It is a long SG Manufacturer established fact that a reader wil


Today, SGM is fully equipped to manufacture wide range of high quality instruments according to the International Standard

CE | ISO 9001 | ISO13485 | ISO 7376/3-2009 | FDA


SGM Manufacturers since 1992, making sure to have every single process to keep in our hand for making sure to deliver right according to our Standards.

Research and Development | Manufacturing | Marking | Packaging


At SGM we keep our Team right upto the market mark and needs. We organize Special Trainings on regular basis and most importantly all our key seats selection been done by InHouse Hiring.
With a passage of time and our clients reviews we felt Professional enough to kept it going


Product Processing is our Key for providing Standard Quality Products since 1992. At SGM from Raw to Final Finished product we keep every process in house under Expert Higher managemnet with Zero tollerance policy.


To provide the highest quality of medical instrument and effectiveness in our services and the mission is to ensure that Equipment used in patient care is safe, available, accurate, and affordable

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